The CMA wing is responsible for livelihood management in the urban areas of the state. They manage the water supply, sanitation and infrastructure needs of the urban livelihood.
Business Challenge
App for vector surveillance
- The Vector Surveillance and Control Measures for CMA was planned as per the directions of WHO (World Health Organizations). The team will be assessed by WHO officials.
- We had to develop an app that had to meet WHO’s expectations and help CMA officials to manage the fast spreading dengue in an effective manner.
How Avasoft helped?
Automated the manual ledger
- Identified the work around for the manual process involved in the data collection process and replace the manual ledger.
- Easy data collection process with predefined fields available from the existing details of the households.
- Interactive UI which can be easily understood and worked with minimal training.
- Interactive reports available for higher authorities to drill down to the lowest level.
Our Technology Stack

Value Additions TO Customer
Smart automated data capture.
- This process has completely reduced the cost involved in gathering the details from the urban livelihood.
- Improved efficiency to eliminate manual entry by sync functionality.
- Supporting pictures collected for sanitation will help in deciding the rating of the house.
Business Gain
- The application collects all the information offline and syncs it with the SharePoint server when connected at the later point.
- Improved data reliability thereby rendering accurate results avoiding manual error.
Business Need
We grasp your needs quickly.
- Dengue app is needed to maintain the dengue survey records and the soft copy of the supporting images.
- Eliminate manual errors in records as the data is captured through Tabs.
- Online sync up of tabs on a daily basis to server for the CMA officials to run analytics.
Vertical Industries
- Government