What are the best practices for email authentication? The SPF, DKIM & DMARC trifecta.

Stay safe and secure with the SPF, DKIM & DMARC trifecta. Protect your organization from phishing and other cyber threats with email authentication. Check out this article to know the email authentication trifecta...
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The Email Authentication Trifecta

With the ever-expanding digital landscape, the scope for black hat hackers is exponentially growing. Cyberattacks are becoming so common these days that hackers stir and sweep off everything in organizations with the drop of a hat. Although they have numerous techniques for conspiracy, of all the options, to them, the most classic and go-to option is Phishing. Phishing attacks have become more frequent followed by subsequent data breaches and do you know where it all begins?

It all starts with – Emails


According to reports, more than 94% of the organizations faced impersonation or phishing attacks in 2022 and more than 75% of the cyber-attacks are initiated via emails.

Emails that we send and receive so often are of huge risk. How do you know a sender is genuine? How do you determine that the email you received with offers or confidential details is authentic? How do you build trust with your customers through emails when the spoofers are trying to impersonate with the same email address?

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