They have a tradition for quality and innovation towards the products with wide range of customers in both residential and commercial market. The network includes dealers, retailers and specialty merchants.
Template Based Website Redesign
We redesign websites with our custom templates.
Business Challenge
Usability and SharePoint Branding
- Lack of sophisticated and intuitive user experience. Websites have dated look and design does not adhere to usability best practices.
- Lack of standards and consistencies in terms of usability and brand positioning.
- Lack of seamless user experience that will drive brand positioning and value delivering optimal user experience.
How Avasoft Helped?
Major functional highlights of the solution were heuristic evaluation and competitor benchmarking to asses existing usability issues.
- Redesign information layouts, navigations and site structures to make the websites more usable.
- Provide multiple design options for rich and sophisticated look and feel that is usable to drive brand positioning.
- Consolidation of numerous website designs into 9 template-based designs that are on-par in terms of brand positioning while catering to needs of the individual products and stakeholders.
- Create a style guide that comprises visuals and interaction elements to acts as a toolkit for current and future developments and designs.
Teck Stack

Value Additions to Customer
- New redesign and reusable templates
- Production Server was not shut down other than the agreed intervals.
- Improved end user satisfaction due to increased performance and improved user interface.
- Completed the project within the agreed budget and delivered before timeline.