Payslip automation ensures process proficiency

Pay slip process is executed by HR team for generating and sending pay slips to employees through emails every month.
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Business challenge

  • HR has to generate and send the pay slips to every employee manually.
  • At times the generated pay slips are not sent to appropriate persons due to human error.
  • Dedicated resources have to be allocated to execute this process.
  • It takes one full day to complete the entire process.

How Avasoft helped?

  • Proposed a solution using RPA techniques to automate the pay slip process.
  • Trained the bot to automate the process for managing and sending the pay slips.
  • HR department do not have to indulge into repeated tasks anymore.
  • The key feature is easy, accurate and efficient with single click to complete the Pay slip process.
  • In order to have a control on the process a status report gets generated and is sent to the HR team after process completion.
  • In case of any exception in the process, bot sends email to the HR team.

Technology stack



  • Eliminates human error by replacing the manual process of human activities by bot.
  • Faster business decisions and processes made possible
  • Resources are now free of mundane tasks and cost saving.
  • Allows the employees to concentrate on executing valuable and creative tasks.
  • High quality service and secured pay slip process is achieved with accurate results.

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