Migration of Content from SharePoint Classic to Modern Sites

Leading foodservice packaging companies are looking to migrate content from their legacy SharePoint Classic sites to modern SharePoint for a more collaborative and user-friendly experience.
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Global food service - Migration of content from

The global foodservice business experts engaged into packaging drink and food and ensuring customer satisfaction to be pleasant, safe and consistent.


  • The client requirement was migration of content to the modern view. It needs to be realised that in scenarios of this sort, it is not where the tool alone experiences growth. With it, the target environment and the enterprise content manager vendor constantly come with varied features and enhancements. The tool must be elevated constantly enhanced to seamlessly counter the latest business challenges and needs.
  • One such feature of the tool is the migration to modern communication or team site template based on client requirements. Formerly, for old customers, modern sites were not listed in their “to-be-done” list. But, since after Microsoft released modern sites, the customers too were given the choice to choose the same. To execute this shift, migration to modern sites had to be included as an additional feature of our tool, AVAMIGRATRON.

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