They specialize in creation, management and delivery of content based on customer’s needs. Their service categories include magazines, e-books, digital libraries and journals. They have been in the industry for more than 2 decades and have 1800+ people in production.
Client mandated HR department to pay monthly incentives along with salary to employees by evaluating their performance. Employees were assessed based on factors like project deliverable’s accuracy, time spent on each deliverable, and residing area (if located very long from office).
Business Challenge
- 3 different on-premise systems were used to maintain and manage employee’s project details, employee’s timesheet and payroll information.
- Consolidated master data of employees were not maintained.
- Manual entries from one source system to another led to data mismatch, data loss, and data discrepancies.
- Failed to capture critical employee details such as first name, last name, mobile number and email id resulted in data duplications.
- Human inaccuracies and siloed systems led to time delays.
How Avasoft Helped?
- As a first step, we assessed their systems and processes and gathered required information from the 3 on-prem systems.
- Proposed Dell Boomi’s MDH integration platform and integrated all the on-prem systems.
- Consolidated employee details in the cloud repository with necessary headers and fields.
- Using rules and logic, we created unique employee records (golden records) based on first name, last name, mobile number and email id.
- Resolved duplicate records issues and validated golden records.
- Automated syncing newly added records from on-prem systems to MDH repository.
- Tested data syncing process with real-time data travel.
- Implemented error alert mechanism when data sync failed.
Teck Stack

Value Additions to Customer
- Client accessed golden employee records anytime using Boomi’s MDH API.
- MDH cloud platform eliminated overhead hardware, software, and infrastructure support and maintenance costs.
- Relieved from multiple integrations hassle to fetch data from 3 dissimilar systems.
- Effective error handling and notifications settings quickly resolved issues.