Here’s how we created channels for our client in MS Teams and migrated the conversation from Slack to Teams

Creating relevant channels in MS Teams while migration would be tedious. You can do the mapping and share it with us and share it with us, we will do the rest for you. Know how we did this for one of our clients.
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Here's how we created channels for our client in MS Teams and migrated the conversation from Slack to Teams!

In this case study, we resolved the client’s requirement of identifying the channel list in Slack and wanted that to be migrated to MS Teams channels. Since they had a strict deadline, they wanted us to finish it as soon as possible. Here’s how we did it. 

Know our customer

Client is a leading medical aesthetics company that develops, produces, and markets clinical neurotoxins for the treatment of aesthetics as well as offers regulatory management services. It is basically a pharmaceutical industry in the United States.  

This company was using the Slack standard plan and wanted to migrate their entire Slack channels to MS Teams without any throttles. They also wanted us to create the channels in MS Teams. We could achieve that by modifying our tool and giving the needed results for our client.  

Business challenges 

  • The client wanted to Migrate Slack Public and Private Channels into MS Teams Public/Private channels.  
  • Although the client business users gave us the channel mapping, the client relied on us for creating channels in MS Teams.  

How AVASOFT helped? 

  • Our team shared the Migration tool with the Channel migration POC license, once POC migration was completed, we started with PROD migration.  
  • We exported the Slack users’ list and business users and completed the User Verification process.  
  • We did the Slack inventory assessment of Channels, Multi-party and Direct chat conversations for the users who had completed the User Verification.  
  • Based on inventory assessment, client business users provided the Slack Channel mapping with MS Team Channel along with visibility (Public/Private).  
  • We created a public MS Team channel, migrated the channel members, completed the migration of Slack Public channels and moved to go-live.  
  • We also created a private MS Team channel, migrated the channel members, completed the migration of Slack Private channels and moved to go-live. 

Business gains 

  • We identified the MS throttles and modified our migration tool to overcome the throttles and therefore reduced the member migration sync-up delay between MS Team and its Unified Group. 
  • The entire migration process was handled by our team and hence the client did not have any issue to be handled by themselves.  
  • The client was able to get similar details in MS Teams UI just as Slack which made it easy for further communication. 

Want to create relevant channels and migrate from Slack to Teams? Call us today and we will make this tedious process a seamless one! 

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