ServiceNow Employee Center – Connect your hybrid workforce in a unified platform

The happier the employees are, the lower the operating cost is for your organization. Employee experience has moved from an amenity to an essential feature for enterprises and it has become crucial with the rise of pandemic and hybrid work models.
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ServiceNow Employee Center – Connect your hybrid workforce in a unified platform!

Disengaged employees can cost companies between $450 and $550 billion a year. In a work world where only 34% of employees feel that they’re engaged, improving the employee experience is a clear priority. ~ Gallup!

ServiceNow being the industry leader for service delivery and workflow solutions have launched Employee Workflows in the Rome release. In the previous ServiceNow releases, Service portal is the closest application that caters to employee needs with customization. Employees faced difficulties in creating service requests and accessing information with siloed organizational units in service portals.

The all-new “Employee workflows” elevates the employee experience in a smarter way and caters to the new hybrid work culture. In the employee workflows, the employee center is addressed as the digital command center for the hybrid workplace.

In this blog post, let’s explore how employee center serves as a unified portal to address the service delivery and engagement needs of the hybrid workforce.

Deliver enticing employee experience – Employee Center; Employee Center Pro!

ServiceNow’s Employee Center is the groundbreaking application for employee service experience and engagement. Within the Employee center portal, there are two separate bundles of ServiceNow store applications – Employee Center & Employee Center Pro.

Employee center is a unified portal that helps enterprises to connect different organizational units to a single destination site to render a curated employee experience. The employee center application is available to all ServiceNow users by default and can be configured based on enterprise-specific themes & branding guidelines. The employees can raise service requests, report issues, or search for resources across departments in a centralized platform by leveraging the employee center!

Deliver enticing employee experience

ServiceNow extends the Employee center with the capabilities of employee communication and engagement in the Employee Center Pro version. Employee Center Pro is available to all the HR Service Delivery users by default. This version of the employee center has utmost portal configuration capabilities with “Mega menu” widgets, content delivery, and ML-driven personalized experiences for the workforce. Organizations can boost the cross-domain forums and discussions, publishing news and events in a unified portal by subscribing to employee center pro.

Employee Center & Employee Center Pro!

Now, let’s take a deep dive into the features of employee center!

Curated experiences in Employee Center- Employee-centric discovery experience!

Curated experience is a bundle of features that is responsible for offering an engaging employee experience in the employee center portal. With these features, enterprises can integrate cross-departmental portal pages in the employee center to deliver a unified experience. This helps in achieving an employee-centric and organized content experience.

curating experience

Let’s get into the details of each feature that offers a curated experience!

Unified Taxonomy

Unified taxonomy is the feature by which enterprises can orchestrate the content types across departments such as requests, articles, and quick links. This feature is built on top of content taxonomy and authoring. Content taxonomy provides the data model by which the content is mapped, whereas content authoring enables the content managers to map and manage the taxonomy. For instance, with unified taxonomy, organizations can establish the hierarchy of service requests and information such as IT> Hardware> Printer.

ServiceNow Unified Taxonomy

Dynamic topic pages

Dynamic topic pages are separate portal pages that populate when the employee navigates through the mega menu or popular topics. These pages are configured based on unified taxonomy across all departments and are dynamically showcased in the employee center portal. This feature provides a consistent experience across topics and channels in the ServiceNow portal and Now mobile application.

In the employee center bundle, the dynamic topic pages are displayed without employee communication content. To showcase the employee communication content in dynamic topic pages, the enterprises must opt for the employee center pro version.

ServiceNow Dynamic Topic Pages


Megamenu enables employees to navigate across portal pages based on the taxonomy mapped. By default, the mega menu and its items can be orchestrated based on the hierarchy of parent and child topics.

ServiceNow Mega Menu

Global header

Global header enables employees to navigate through menu items. Based on the enterprise needs, a global header can be enabled, disabled, or configured with organizational themes. The global header has default options such as brand logo, search bar, My tasks, My requests, More, Cart, Wishlist, Tours. The ServiceNow administrators can customize the More menu in the global header based on their needs.

ServiceNow Global Header


Employee center has the default footer option, and it can be configured with certain organizational information. The footer menu enables organizations to display office addresses, official contact information, terms and conditions, privacy policy, social media handles, and associated links.

ServiceNow Footer

Aligning AI Search

Organizations can align the AI search results based on the taxonomy associated with the content. Being another key feature of the Rome release, AI Search has a lot more capabilities to enrich the user experience!

Unified Browse

Unified browse displays the combined view for service requests and information associated with the parent and child topics. Administrators can configure the display results based on user engagement and relevancy.

Delivering an exceptional employee experience is no more a choice for enterprises! With the ServiceNow Rome release, organizations can elevate the employee experience with the default features of the employee center application.

Are you an existing ServiceNow user striving to deliver a great employee experience? Call us to glance through our lookbook of custom portals! We can help you in delivering the next-gen employee experience!

All set to get started? Whether you are a big organization or a startup, irrespective of the shape and size of the enterprise, we help you digitalise your organisation with no hiccups.

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