Enterprise digital transformation solution for logistics firm: Success story

Speed and accuracy are everything for logistic companies. With these digital transformation solutions, Ward was able to make huge growth and attain a leading position in the industry.
Reading time: 4 min(s)
Ward Truck success story

Ward truck is a logistic company, that provides logistic and transportation services across the United States. The company offers trucking transportation, freight safety, and consolidation, inventory management, warehousing, brokerage, and supply chain management services.

120 hrs

Hours saved per week


Increase in the orders due to accurate management

$25k – $30k

Cost savings per week

Imagine if you had a tech or software that could record all the details of the inventory, fetch you the information on the orders whenever you needed it, and manage the freight loading and unloading accurately, would you be willing to adopt it?

And what if we say you’d save hundreds of workforce/fieldwork hours a week? You’d most certainly want to try it, right?

For logistics companies, speed is everything, and managing the details accurately is more crucial. Humans are bound to make errors and managing the tasks manually would only increase the workflow issues and reduce the end results.

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