Is data normalization a significant precursor to ServiceNow HAM/SAM Pro

Level up the game of negotiation with software/hardware vendors by visualizing the streamlined asset datasets. Never let your vendors leverage the imperfections in asset data with excess licensing costs, and compliance risks
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ServiceNow HAM/SAM Pro migration

If your organization is leveraging the ServiceNow platform for IT asset management, then you must consider modernizing your applications to HAM/SAM pro. While modernizing existing IT infrastructure, you must consider remediating the flaws and enhancing the efficiency. IT asset management majorly deals with huge data sets that need to be processed further to conclude strategic business decisions. In such cases, normalizing the asset data becomes crucial.

Data normalization is a process that filters out redundant, unwanted data sets to improve data integrity & visibility. In this blog post, you can explore the significance of data normalization process before HAM/SAM pro migration!

Why data normalization is crucial before migrating to HAM/SAM Pro?

Accelerates transaction & visibility

Asset data in ITAM portals are stored in different formats. With huge data being populated round-the-clock, the data platforms may experience performance bottlenecks. Collecting single asset information from these data objects becomes tedious with duplicate data sets. In specific, when it comes to IT assets, the data sets are highly repetitive as it involves versions, vendors, applications, hardware, and much more information. The manual process of removing data redundancy would result in human error, huge efforts & time.

Efficient asset management with standardized data ensures compliance and easy accessibility of asset data. Executive team can get accurate data insights from IT teams and decide on budget planning for IT infrastructure.

Accuracy in negotiation

The standard asset inventory can showcase the picture of haves and have not assets to the ITAM managers. This knowledge helps them in negotiating software licenses, hardware toolsets, and other resources that are utilized in the organization.

If the asset data is unstructured, the vendors leverage the imperfections, and it may lead to excess licensing costs or compliance risks with fluctuations in the number of users. Normalizing the asset data can level up the game of negotiation with software/hardware vendors.

Ability to forecast security threats

Normalizing IT asset data helps in consolidating the accurate details of software licenses that are being leveraged in your organization. Successively, the cyber security team would utilize this information to work around the patches, upgrades, shutting down the loopholes, unauthorized access, and so on. Efficient IT asset management with standardized inventory can wipe off the security threats, data breaches from your organization.

Why AVASOFT for your ServiceNow HAM/SAM Pro migration?

AVASOFT team has helped around 50+ fortune brands to adopt ServiceNow portals with advanced customizations. In addition to ServiceNow platform solutions, AVASOFT holds a dedicated team of data engineers who can standardize your ServiceNow data platforms and then help you shift to HAM/SAM pro seamlessly.

Start your journey towards migrating to ServiceNow HAM/SAM Pro with the expert team of data engineers and ServiceNow certified professionals! Call us to get the project roadmap!

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